At James Peacock Infant and Nursery School we aim to establish an environment that enables all pupils to become independent, lifelong learners.
We aspire for excellence and encourage all pupils, whatever their ability or starting point, to achieve the best they possibly can. We believe in providing pupils with a well sequenced, purposeful and engaging English curriculum that promotes the development of high standards of oracy. We want our children to be able to express themselves with confidence, and to communicate their ideas clearly.
Our ambition is that in all English lessons, children’s knowledge and experiences are deepened through the use of high-quality texts, and that opportunities are provided for children to apply skills and produce outcomes for a range of audiences and purposes. We strive to broaden and deepen all children’s knowledge and understanding.
As a school we using the DfE validated Read Write Inc Phonics programme to teach phonics and reading. Our rigorous and systematic approach to the early reading curriculum, develops children’s accuracy and fluency, building confidence and cultivates an enjoyment for reading. We strive to build a culture where reading for pleasure is valued and children have a lifelong love of reading.
We equip children with transferable skills which can be adapted to support them in all their learning. The teaching of spelling is intended to show pupils how to understand the relationship between words, recognise spelling patterns and take with them a variety of useful strategies. We intend for our children to build their knowledge and develop an increasingly wide range of vocabulary and grammar. Children should leave our school being able to use fluent and legible handwriting. Please find below information regarding our English curriculum and Phonics Programme.