At James Peacock Infant and Nursery School we are committed to offering a curriculum that is accessible to all children regardless of their background, needs or abilities. Teachers will respond to the individual needs of our children and make any necessary adaptations to ensure that our children are secure in the next steps of their learning.
Our aim is to create an atmosphere of inclusion and belonging where all children feel empowered and encouraged to succeed across the entire curriculum. We look at the individual needs of your child to ensure that the right targets and steps to success are encouraged and developed. Regular meetings with the SENDCo enable parents and carers to understand, question and support their child’s journey through school with us. The inclusion of pupils identified as having special educational needs and disability (SEND) in our school community is integral to the diversity and richness of our school.
If you have any queries regarding your child's SEND needs, please contact Miss Rathbone for an appointment.
The information below details how children with a disability or special educational needs are supported here at James Peacock Infant and Nursery School.
Family and Specialist Services: View further information here. SEN support in schools: View further information here.
The Local Offer: The SEND Local Offer is a resource which is designed to support children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families. It describes the services and provision that are available both to those families in Nottinghamshire that have an Education, Health and Care Plan and those who do not have a plan, but still experience some form of special educational need. The SEND Local Offer includes information about public services across education, health and social care, as well as those provided by the private, voluntary and community sectors.