The Governing Body, in consultation with the Head Teacher, oversee the strategic management of the school. Operational management is delegated to the Head Teacher, who remains accountable to the Governing Body at all times. The normal term of office for any governor is 4-years, and they can be drawn from the following stakeholder groups:
Teachers (staff)
Local Authority
Local community
People with specific skills e.g. finance, law, personal, and finance
The Governing Body will meet twice per term, as follows:
Full Governing Body to attend to strategic management priorities
School-based meeting, led by the Head Teacher (training, development and any outstanding committee business)
Committee meetings are also held, in-line with requirements. The strategic plan necessitates termly, and each committee has a responsibility to oversee specific aspects of the annual School Improvement Plan, through the Key Milestones published therein. Since the beginning of the academic year 2020-2021, the Governing Body decided that the Chair and Vice Chair should be invited to serve for a continuous period of 4-years.
There is currently one vacancy on the Governing Body, which we are seeking to recruit to. This position will be filled by a co-opted governor, in-line with our constitution. Our Instrument of Government was adopted on 1st September 2015, and proposed by the Local Authority on 7th January 2015.
Declarations of interest are gathered at the beginning of each meeting, and also via an annual return. These are retained by the Clerk to the Governing Body, and are available for inspection, on request. For the current academic year, we can confirm that no governors are related to each other.
The following committees have been established:
Complaints from Parents
Performance Management
Pupil Discipline
Staff Discipline and Grievance
Staff Dismissal
It is intended that these committees will meet as and when required.
The following Governor Working Groups have also been established, to ensure that strategic management priorities can be actioned and evidenced:
Behaviour, Health and Safety, and Attendance
Finance and Personnel
Leadership and Management
The Finance and Personnel Working Group sets the school budget once funding has been allocated by the Local Authority. This is done in consultation with the Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher. Meetings are scheduled throughout the year to closely monitor the school’s expenditure.
The Curriculum Working Group engages with the school staff to ensure that pupils receive a balanced curriculum based on their individual needs and the requirements of the New Primary Curriculum. This year, special attention has been given to the RSE curriculum, and an additional Working Party has been set up for this designated purpose.
The Behaviour, Health and Safety and Attendance Working Group undertakes a termly Risk Assessment to identify and address issues for all users of the school building and grounds.